What is a D.Min.?

Far too often on my book materials the letters D.Min. follow my name. Some of you will be wondering what it stands for: displaced minister (?); desires mints (?). No, none of the above. It stands for Doctor of Ministry. It is an earned doctorate. I completed the work for the degree in 2009 at Baptist Bible Seminary, Clarks Summit, PA. My Master of Divinity degree was completed at a school that became the graduate seminary at Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa.
I just finished teaching a course for doctoral students at Baptist Bible Seminary. I have taught it annually since 2015. Teaching the course always brings back memories. I actually began the research for the writing of Mediko during my first year at BBS, thinking that it might be my dissertation. Instead, I wrote a systematic theology to be used by those who serve in other cultures than their own.
So now you know what that D.Min. thing is!

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